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supervised samples.tex (1284B)

      1 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} P{13mm} P{17mm} P{17mm} Y @{}}
      2 	\toprule
      3 	Head & Relation & Tail & Sentence \\\midrule
      4 	\wdent{210175}\newline \textsc{mi5} & \wdrel{159}\newline headquarters location & \wdent{198519}\newline Thames House & The exterior and interior of Freemasons' Hall continued to be a stand-in for \utail{Thames House}, the headquarters of \uhead{\textsc{mi5}}. \\\addlinespace[1mm]
      5 	\wdent{210175}\newline \textsc{mi5} & \wdrel{101}\newline field of work & \wdent{501700}\newline counter\-intelligence & Golitsyn's claims about Wilson were believed in particular by the senior \uhead{\textsc{mi5}} \utail{counterintelligence} officer Peter Wright. Wright, Peter (1987) \\\addlinespace[1mm]
      6 	\wdent{158363}\newline \textsc{smersh} & \wdrel{101}\newline field of work & \wdent{501700}\newline counter\-intelligence & In its \utail{counter-espionage} and counter-intelligence roles, \uhead{\textsc{smersh}} appears to have been extremely successful throughout World War II. \\\addlinespace[1mm]
      7 	\wdent{198519}\newline Thames House & \wdrel{466}\newline occupant & \wdent{210175}\newline \textsc{mi5} & The Freemasons' Hall in London served as the filming location for \uhead{Thames House}, the headquarters for \utail{\textsc{mi5}}. \\
      8 	\bottomrule
      9 \end{tabularx}%